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· Reflect on your Practicum Experience and select a female patient whom you have examined with the support and guidance of your Preceptor.

To prepare · Reflect on your Practicum Experience and select a female patient whom you have examined with the support and guidance of your Preceptor. · Think about the details of the patient’s background, medical history, physical exam, labs and diagnostics, diagnosis, treatment and management plan, as well as education strategies and follow-up care. To complete Write an 8- to 10-page comprehensive paper that addresses the following: · Age, race and ethnicity, and partner status of the patient · Current health status, including chief concern or complaint of the patient · Contraception method (if any) · Patient history, including medical history, family medical history, gynecologic history, obstetric history, and personal social history (as appropriate to current problem) · Review of systems · Physical exam · Labs, tests, and other diagnostics · Differential diagnoses · Management plan, including diagnosis, treatment, patient education, and follow-up care]]>


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