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2. Briefly explain conclusions from research for marijuana use and driving.(what kind of impairment from marijuana use might make driving dangerous, what do research reports from the DEA show)

Week 6 Marijuana Questions HE366 AOD Study 1. Using information from the text and class power point, write out the pharmacology of marijuana using the pharmacology format taught in this class. Include, short term physical and psychological effects, long term physical and psychological effects, overdose, withdrawal. 2. Briefly explain conclusions from research for marijuana use and driving.(what kind of impairment from marijuana use might make driving dangerous, what do research reports from the DEA show) 3. Define amotivational syndrome and briefly explain conclusions from research for marijuana use and amotivational syndrome. 4. List 6 recognized medicinal uses for marijuana. 5. Is marijuana addictive? Explain the NIDA data that answers this question. Make sure to use the DSM IV or V criteria to describe marijuana dependence.


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