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Addictive substance or addictive behavior related to biological aspects of addiction.

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Research Paper Instructions
This document is intended to help guide you to successful completion of the Research Paper for this course. You will complete a 15–20 page (not including title page, abstract page, and references) Research Paper on 1 addictive substance or addictive behavior related to biological aspects of addiction. Higher grades will be awarded to papers that demonstrate personal mastery of course content and congruence with the assignment description in this guide. A minimum of 15 sources published within the last 5 years must be included. Conformity to current APA style is required for this manuscript. Although you have some degree of choice of topic, the organization of the paper needs to follow the Research Paper Guide.
Once you have developed a proper introduction for your paper, there will be 3 primary sections/key points for you to address. Each section/point has subpoints that must also be addressed.

  1. Description of Substance/Behavior: In this section, describe the biological aspects of      the addictive substance or behavior. Your discussion must explain the      addictive properties and include the primary effects on the brain and other      organ systems in the body.
  2. Clinical Issues: Discuss      clinical considerations of the addictive substance or behavior. Include      the implications the biological aspects of substance/behavior have for the      counseling process. Describe medical treatments (existing or developing)      based on biological aspects of substance/behavior and future directions of      treatment. Include a brief discussion of ethical issues the biological      aspects of the substance/behavior have for counseling.
  3. Christian Worldview Implications:      The third main section of your paper must discuss biological aspects of the      addictive substance/behavior from a biblically informed Christian      worldview. Include areas of freedom and caution for Christian counselors      based on the biological aspects of the addictive substance/behavior.

Since this is a formal research paper, an introduction and conclusion are required.
Remember, this is a guide and not an outline for your paper. You will do well to effectively use proper current APA headings and subheadings to help organize and present your paper. The current APA publication manual has helped make the use of headings and subheadings much easier than in previous editions. The main sections above would make very suitable headings for your paper.


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