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Applied Sciences homework help

Analyze how human resource standards and practices within the healthcare field support organizational mission, visions, and values.
Wynn Regional Medical Center (WRMC) is the premier hospital in your area. The hospital has been in your city for over 100 years. Over the past decade, the hospital has been losing money for various reasons, though primarily due to uncompensated care. You were recently hired as the Vice President for Human Resources at WRMC, and part of your responsibilities include presenting historical information to participants of the new employee orientation.
Create a PowerPoint presentation detailing the changing nature of the healthcare workforce. The presentation should contain speaker notes for each slide or voiceover narration. The presentation should address the following topics and questions:
Historical information on the changing healthcare workforce
How have legislation and policies changed in the past decade?
How have patient demographics changed in the past decade (baby boomers, generation X, millennials, ethnicities)?
How have patient centric approaches changed in the past decade (use of the Internet and social media to gather health information)?
Challenges associated with the changing healthcare workforce
What are some of the challenges associated with the policy and legislative changes?
What are some challenges associated with demographic changes?
What are some of the challenges associated with patients “researching” their own health instead of going to the doctor?
Current state of healthcare
What have been some of the improvements to the healthcare system over the last decade?
This link has information for creating a PowerPoint presentation.
Here is a link to information about adding speaker notes.
Here is a link to information about creating a voiceover narration using Screencast-O-Matic.
1.Clear and thorough explanation of the history of the changing healthcare workforce. Includes comprehensive descriptions with multiple supporting examples for each of the SUB-BULLET POINTS.
2. Clear and thorough discussion of the challenges associated with the changing healthcare workforce. Includes comprehensive descriptions with multiple supporting examples for each of the SUB-BULLET POINTS.
3. Comprehensive analysis of the current state of healthcare.
Includes a clear and thorough assessment of improvements to the healthcare system over the last decade and supports assertions with multiple supporting examples.


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