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>American history homework help

According to the Podcast who was the architect of the Truman Doctrine.
Cite from the Podcast how the Truman Doctrine was a milestone in American History list at least 3 ways and cite the source.
According to the Podcast what was the Marshall Plan and how was it different from the Truman Doctrine?
Based on what you have read in the textbook and learned from the Podcast, were the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan effective measure to contain the spread of Communism?
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan Podcast
or use the link below
In order to receive full credit, you must respond to me with a minimum of 200 words. You must also respond to at least two of your classmates, the responses must be a minimum of 100 words and add to the discussion. Each response is graded according to a rubric. Your response must demonstrate historical evidence (which means you will need to use your textbook and podcast and footnote and cite your sources, refer to the example in the start here module). You must use sources in all three of your post and footnote the sources and include the reference. Correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization are expected.
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