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Identify three strengths of the study and support your selection (i.e. why is this a strength)

Note: The strengths and weaknesses should be in relation to: · Design · Sampling · Data collection · Statistical analysis · Results and discussion. 5)  Propose changes to improve the quality of the study capitalizing on the strengths and 6) improving on the weaknesses you identified in the study. 7)  Summarize the implications for nursing practice. 8) Write a conclusion for your paper The purpose of the analysis is to help you develop a deeper understanding of the research process, to inspire you to think critically and deeply about research on a specific topic, and to strengthen your ability to integrate research findings into evidence-based nursing practice. This assignment also gives you practice in analyzing the research literature, which will support you when you begin your DNP project. Due Wednesday October 25, 2017 before midnight! Writing (5 points): Up to 5 points (20%) may be deducted for grammar and APA style errors. To prepare for this week’s assignment complete the following:

  • Select      one of the four research articles cited in this week’s required readings (SEE ATTACHED PDF FILE).
  • Review      the various quantitative research designs presented in the textbook      readings and research articles and discussed in the “Musings: Aligning      Research Question and Methodology” media.
  • Consider      the research design used in your selected article. Ask yourself the      following questions. Is the design appropriate for the study? Would a      different design provide better results?
Required Media Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice: Selecting a research topic and developing a hypothesis. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 13 minutes. In this week’s video, Dr. Leiyu Shi discusses the characteristics of a good research hypothesis and details the steps in developing a hypothesis that can be tested through research. Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice: Musings: Aligning research question and methodology. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes. This video discusses the importance of having a well-defined research question, which informs the methodology that you use in creating a hypothesis for a research study Laureate Education. (2011). Important events in clinical research history. Retrieved from This timeline identifies and describes key historical events related to the development of clinical research throughout the ages. Required Readings Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Chapter 5, “Research Problem and Purpose” Chapter 5 outlines how to identify and develop a research problem statement, purpose, and research questions. The chapter also provides examples of both quantitative and qualitative research topics, problems, and purpose. Chapter 6, “Objectives, Questions, Variables, and Hypothesis” This chapter explains the different types of hypotheses and assesses how research variables can be used to formulate research objectives in both quantitative and qualitative studies. Chapter 10, “Quantitative Methodology: Noninterventional Designs and Methods” Chapter 10 describes the principles of research design and those foundational concepts that influence the selection of an appropriate quantitative design: causality, bias, manipulation, control, and validity. Chapter 11, “Quantitative Methodology: Interventional Designs and Methods” This chapter builds on the material presented in Chapter 10 and discusses how to select the most appropriate quantitative research design for addressing a particular research problem. Select one of the following articles to use for this week’s Assignment: · Fouquier, K.F. (2011). The concept of motherhood among three generations of African American women. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(2), 145–153.  · Grey, M., Whittemore, R., Jaser, S., Ambrosino, J., Lindemann, E., Liberti, L., Northrup, V., & Dziura, J. (2009). Effects of coping skills training in school-age children with Type 1 diabetes. Research in Nursing & Health, 32, 405–418. (USE THIS ARTICLE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT) · Methey, N.A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B.J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59, 18–25. · Newhouse, R.P., Morlock. L., Pronovost, P., & Breckenridge-Sproat, S. (2011). Rural hospital nursing: Results of a national survey of nurse executives. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(3), 129–137. Handouts Laureate Education. (2011). Litmus test for a doctoral-level research problem. Baltimore, MD: Author. Optional Resources Caress, A., Luker, K., & Chalmers, K. (2010). Promoting the health of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Patients’ and carers’ views. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(3–4), 564–573. Mbeba, M. M., N., Jere, D. L., Kachingwe, S. I., Crittenden, K. S., McCreary, L. L., … Norr, K. F. (2011). Peer group intervention reduces personal HIV risk for Malawian health workers. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(1), 72–81. Miller, J., Gaboda, D., Nugent, C., Simpson, T., & Cantor, J. (2011). Parental eligibility and enrollment in state children’s health insurance program: The roles of parental health, employment, and family structure. American Journal of Public Health, 101(2), 274–277. Su, C., Lu, X., Chen, W., & Wang, T. (2009). Promoting self-management improves the health status of patients having peritoneal dialysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(7), 1381–1389.]]>


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