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The Global Partner Summary assignment is a continuation of the Partner Resource Exploration discussion forum. You are to analyze the data you have collected on your New International Venture final paper thus far, and complete the follow steps:

  • Provide a two-to-four-paragraph summary of your international venture idea (for the New International Venture Final Paper in Week 6). Include an analysis of how you will utilize the host country resource partner for this paper. The resource partner is the person you contacted in the Partner Resource Exploration discussion forum.
  • Create a one-page formal outline of your New International Venture final paper. You may view this tutorial Formal Outline (Links to an external site.) for help in creating an outline. Other additional resources you may use are Getting Started With Mergent (Links to an external site.) and Business Insights: Global (Links to an external site.).
  • Provide two to three SMART objectives or goals of the New International Venture final paper business venture.

In your paper,

  • Summarize your international venture idea (for the New International Venture final paper).
  • Analyze how you will utilize the host country resource partner for the final paper.
  • Create a one-page formal outline of your final paper.
  • Create two to three SMART objectives or goals for the Final Paper business venture.

The Global Partner Summary paper

  • Must be 400 to 500 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted accord


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