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Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136

Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136
I need help with an argumentative paper that should 6-8 pages long without cover and references (but please include in finale paper).  My topic is Technology and Social Isolation. You must have 5 references. I will include the rubric for the paper. Please start off using these two references and include three more.
Vroon, D. (2009, May/June). The distracted   generation victims of technology. American Record Guide72(3).
Massimini, M., & Peterson, M. (2009). Information and communication technology: Affects [sic] on U.S. college students. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace
Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136

Course Theme Reading ListENGL136 Course Theme Reading List Student
Below you will find a reading list that includes 62 references on the theme and topics you will discuss and research in this class in preparation for the Course Project. Although you are not required to read all 62 of the references, you should plan to dedicate sufficient time to retrieve and preview sources on topics that are of interest to you. The list of readings will help you narrow a topic for your Course Project.
These selections should be the first ones that you consult as you explore potential topics and begin your research process. Read and review the selections on topics that you are considering. Those that you do use will provide content that can be incorporated into your writing assignments as support or contrast for your thesis and your Final Project. Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136
A final requirement of the Course Project is that all students must include at least one of the selected course readings below in their final research projects. Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136
Once you are introduced to library search strategies, you will search for the remaining number of sources required for inclusion in-text and on the References page of the final assignment.
Each selection can be accessed in Writing Today or in the DeVry Library databases: EBSCOhost, LexisNexis, or ABI Inform.
For more information: Talk to your professor or use the Ask the Librarian service.
 Theme: Education (16 references)
Topics: Articles
1. School Bullies  Cloud, J. (2012, March 12). The myths of bullying. Time, 179(10). Retrieved from, D. G., & Brockenbrough, K. (2004). Identification of bullies and victims: A comparison of methods. Journal of School Violence, 3(2-3), 63–87. doi:10.1300/J202v03n02_05
2. No Child Left Behind Act/ Race to the Top  Ravitch, D. (2011). Dictating to the schools: A look at the effect of the Bush and Obama administration on schools. Education Digest, 76(8), 4-9. 
Onosko, J. (2011). Race to the Top leaves children and future citizens behind:  The devastating effects of centralization, standardization, and high stakes accountability.  Democracy & Education, 19(2), 1–11.
3. Grade Inflation  Kohn. A. (2013). From grading to degrading. In R. Johnson-Sheehan & C. Paine (Eds.), Writing Today (2nd ed., pp. 254–261). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.Hall, R. A. (2012). A neglected reply to grade inflation in higher education. Global Education Journal, 2012(3), 144–165.
Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136
4. College Students and UnderageDrinking
Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2013). Underage alcohol use among full-time college students. In R. Johnson-Sheehan & C. Paine (Eds.), Writing Today (2nd ed., pp. 743–745). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.Wechsler, H., & Nelson, T.  F. (2010). Will increasing alcohol availability by lowering the minimum legal drinking age decrease drinking and related consequences among youths? American Journal of Public Health, 100(6), 986–992. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2009.178004.
5. Student Debt  McArdle, M. (2012, September 17). The college bubble. Newsweek160(12).Wenisch, M. (2012). The student loan crisis and the future of higher education. Catholic Social Science Review, 17, 345–350.
6. College Students, Cheating, and Plagiarism  Malesic, J. (2006, December 11). How dumb do they think we are? The Chronicle of Higher Education.McCabe, D. L., Trevino, L., & Butterfield, K. D. (2001). Cheating in academic institutions: A decade of research. Ethics & Behavior11(3), 219–232.
7. College Dropout Rates 
Husain, S. (2012). Student success at the community college Level. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, 29(7), 40–41.Tuckman, B. W., & Kennedy, G. J. (2011). Teaching learning strategies to increase success of first-term college students. Journal of Experimental Education, 79(4), 478–504. doi:10.1080/00220973.2010.512318
8. High School Dropouts  Lubrano, A. (2012, December 30). Diminished diplomas: The job market is bleak even for millennials with college degrees. For those without, it’s a different world. The Philadelphia Inquirer.  Retrieved from http://articles.philly.comTavakolian, H. R., & Howell, N. (2012). Dropout dilemma and interventions. Global Education Journal2012(1), 77–81.
 Theme: Technology (16 references)
Topics: Articles:
1. Multitasking and Technology  Willingham, D. T. (2010). Have technology and multitasking rewired how students learn? American Educator34(2), 23–28, 42.Ellis, Y., Daniels, B., & Jauregui, A. (2010). The effect of multitasking on the grade performance of business students. Research in Higher Education Journal8, 1-10.
2. Technology and Social Isolation  Vroon, D. (2009, May/June). The distracted generation victims of technology. American Record Guide72(3).Massimini, M., & Peterson, M. (2009). Information and communication technology: Affects [sic] on U.S. college students. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace3(1), 1–12.
3. Perils of Social Networking  Azriel, J. N. (2011). Using social media as a weapon to harm victims: Recent court cases show a need to amend section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Journal of Internet Law15(1), 3–10.Dailey, K. (2013). Friends with benefits: Do Facebook friends provide the same support as those in real life? In R. Johnson-Sheehan & C. Paine (Eds.), Writing Today (2nd ed., pp. 218–221). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
4. Online Dating/ Online Predators/Sex Offenders  Clark-Flory, T. (2013). Reconsidering’s sex offender ban. In R. Johnson-Sheehan & C. Paine (Eds.), Writing Today (2nd ed., pp. 707–709). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.Essex, D. (2009). From deleting online predators to educating Internet users. Young Adult Library Services7(3), 36–45.
5. Illegal Downloading of Protected Content  Hamilton, M. A. (2013). Why suing college students for illegal music downloading is right. In R. Johnson-Sheehan & C. Paine (Eds.), Writing Today (2nd ed., pp. 693–695). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.Sheehan, B., Tsao, J., & Yang, S. (2010). Motivations for gratifications of digital music piracy among college students. Atlantic Journal of Communication18(5), 241–258. doi:10.1080/15456870.2010.521471
Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136
6. Internet Censorship/ Classified Information Leaks 
Albanesius, C. (2012, August). Google sees spike in requests to censor political speech. PC Magazine.Keen, R. (2012). Untangling the Web: Exploring Internet regulation schemes in Western democracies. San Diego International Law Journal13(2), 351–382.
7. Identity Theft  Sullivan, M. (2012, August). Data snatchers! PC World30(8).Albrecht, C., Albrecht, C., & Tzafrir, S. (2011). How to protect and minimize consumer risk to identity theft. Journal of Financial Crime, 18(4), 405–414. doi:10.1108/13590791111173722
8. Texting and Driving  LaVallee, A. (2009, August 26). Tech journal: Firms racing to end texting and driving—as states pass new bans, companies build services to disable in-car cellphone messaging. The Wall Street Journal.  Retrieved from http://search.proquest.comPascual-Ferrá, P., Liu, Y., & Beatty, M. J. (2012). A meta-analytic comparison of the effects of text messaging to substance-induced impairment on driving performance. Communication Research Reports29(3), 227–238. doi:10.1080/08824096.2012.696079
 Theme:  Family (14 references)
Topics: Articles:
1. Sexualization of Girls  Kaiser survey shows prevalence of abuse. (Cover story). (2005). DATA: The Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory & Application24(S7), 1.Zubriggen, E. L., Collins, R. L., Lamb, S., Roberts, T., Tolman, D. L., Ward, L. M., & Blake, J.  (2013). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls: Executive summary. In R. Johnson-Sheehan & C. Paine (Eds.), Writing Today (2nd ed., pp. 293–302). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
2. Gender Discrimination  Coy, P., & Dwoskin, E. (2012, June 25). Shortchanged: Why women get paid less than men. Bloomberg Businessweek4285.Nadler, J. T., & Stockdale, M. S. (2012). Workplace gender bias: Not just between strangers. North American Journal of Psychology14(2), 281–291.
Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136
3. Unequal Rights in Marriage, Children  Perrin, E., & Sprigg, P. (2013, March 21). Interview by A. Spiegel [Radio series episode]. Pediatric organization endorses same-sex marriage for its benefit to children. All Things Considered (NPR).Russo, C. J. (2011). Respect for me but not for thee: Reflections on the impact of same-sex marriage on education.  Brigham Young University Education & Law Journal, (2), 471–494.
4. Children of Divorce  Whitehead, B. D. (2013). The making of a divorce culture. In R. Johnson-Sheehan & C. Paine (Eds.), Writing Today (2nd ed., pp. 712–717). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.Kim, H. S. (2011). Consequences of parental divorce for child development. American Sociological Review76(3), 487–511. doi:10.1177/0003122411407748
5. Domestic Violence  Parachin, V. M. (2013). Terrorism in the home: Eleven myths and facts about domestic violence. Priest69(1), 13-16.Alhabib, S., Nur, U., & Jones, R. (2010). Domestic violence against women: Systematic review of prevalence studies. Journal of Family Violence25(4), 369–382. doi:10.1007/s10896-009-9298-4
6. Cyberbullying 
Bazelon, E. (2013, February 19). Interview by T. Gross [Radio series episode]. Today’s bullied teens subject to “sticks and stones” online, too. Fresh Air (NPR).Murray, S. S., Hewitt, P., Maniss, S., & Molinatti, J. (2012). “They’re Just Being Kids”: Recognizing and preventing bullying. National Social Science Journal39(1), 56–64.
7. Life-Work (Im)balance/Flexible Work Schedules Pofeldt, E. (2011, October). Flex your day week year career. Working Mother34(7).Masuda, A. D., Poelmans, S. A. Y., Allen, T. D., Spector, P. E., Lapierre, L. M., Cooper, C. L., Moreno-Velazquez, I. (2012). Flexible work arrangements availability and their relationship with work-to-family conflict, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions: A comparison of three country clusters. Applied Psychology: An International Review61(1), 1–29. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2011.00453.x
 Theme:  Health/Wellness (16 references)
Topics: Articles:
1. College Students and Weight Issues  Kwiatkowski, J. (2009, August 22). Avoiding Fatter U: How not to gain the freshman 15: Managing the stress and lifestyle changes of college helps new students keep the weight off. Buffalo News, The (NY). [EBSCOhost]Carithers-Thomas, J. A. “Freshman fifteen: Fact or fiction.” [Writing Today]
2. Childhood Obesity  Ludwig, D. S. (2010). Ending the childhood obesity epidemic. Natural Foods Merchandiser31(5), 10–12. [EBSCOhost]Larson, A. A. (2012). Childhood obesity in USA: A descriptive snapshot of current responses, disconnects, and what could hold promise for additional mitigation. Movement & Sport Sciences / 7861-74. doi:10.1051/sm/2012016 [EBSCOhost]
3. Fad Diets  Koch, R. (2010). Food fads. Today’s Chiropractic Lifestyle39(5), 20–24. [EBSCOhost]Whyte, J., Marting, R., & Pennachio, D. (2005). How to guide patients away from fad diets and toward healthy eating. Patient Care39(5), 16–22. [EBSCOhost]
4. Junk Food  Lee, J. (2012). Nourishing change. Partnership enlists dozens of hospitals to put healthier food on their menus and kick junk food out of the cafeteria. Modern Healthcare42(41), 6. [EBSCOhost]Datar, A., & Nicosia, N. (2012). Junk food in schools and childhood obesity. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management31(2), 312–337. doi:10.1002/pam.21602 [EBSCOhost]
5. Sedentary Lifestyles  Masters, M. (2010). Sentenced to the chair. Men’s Health (10544836)25(7), 112–117. [EBSCOhost]McCrady, S. K., & Levine, J. A. (2009). Sedentariness at work: How much do we really sit? Obesity (19307381)17(11), 2103–2105. [EBSCOhost]
6. Teenage Pregnancy  Stanger-Hall, K. F., & Hall, D. W. (2011). Abstinence-only education and teen pregnancy rates: Why we need comprehensive sex education in the U.S. PLOS ONE6(10), 1–11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024658 [EBSCOhost]Basch, C. E. (2011). Teen Pregnancy and the achievement gap among urban minority youth. Journal Of School Health, 81(10), 614-618. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2011.00635.x Full text through [EBSCOhost]
7.Concussions in Athletes  Sander, L. (2010). Colleges struggle to protect athletes from concussion and its aftermath. (Cover story). Chronicle of Higher Education57(6), A1–A10. [EBSCOhost] Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136Lueke, L. (2011). High school athletes and concussions. The Journal of Legal Medicine32(4), 483–501. doi:10.1080/01947648.2011.632710 [EBSCOhost]
8. Insurance Premiums for Smokers and Obese Employees  Economic woes may ratchet up penalties for obesity, smoking. (2011). Occupational Health Management21(10), 109–110. [EBSCOhost]Li, J., Linnan, L., Finkelstein, E., Tate, D., Naseer, C., & Evenson, K. (2011). Knowledge and perceptions among overweight and obese employees about lifestyle-related health benefit changes. North Carolina Medical Journal72(3), 183–190. [EBSCOhost]

Argumentative Essay Paper – Technology and Social Isolation – ENG 136


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