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Create two (2) policies to address electronic health record documentation.

Scenario: As the recently hired Corporate Director of Health Information Management, you have been tasked the assignment of creating much-needed policies to govern the practice of health record documentation within your organization. You must devise two (2) of these policies, adhering to the format listed below and using APA formatting with sub-headings. Submit one (1) single Microsoft Word document.
Deliverables: Create two (2) policies to address electronic health record documentation. You must select from the following list of topics:
The Use of Electronic signatures/Authentication
Electronic Health Record Duplication
Health Record Amendments
The Completion of Health Records (adhering to TJC timeline)…including various forms (components within the Health Record such as the History & Physical, Operative Notes, Nurses Notes and Physician Orders etc.)
Verbal & Telephone Orders
The use of departmental/organizational wide abbreviations
The Physician Query Process
The Use of MACRA & Meaningful Use (MU) Audits
Authorized Users, including Training & Education and Password Protection and Updates
Copy & Paste Functionality
Cloned Documentation
Templates/Screen Designs
Health Record Policy Format:
Effective Date
A thorough description of the policy
Definition of Terms (associated with policy)
Consequences for Failure to Comply


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