- Provide a comprehensive statement of the problem using the epidemiological process including the distribution, determinants, and deterrents.
- Incorporate at least four current literature review findings as a theoretical base for your project/paper.
- Describe community resources available to meet the need of the specific community in this problem area. Summarize the resources available and describe their effectiveness for the community.
- Describe your selected group. Identify and summarize the learner needs of your selected group. What are the needs? Why does this group need to be educated on your chosen topic?
- Identify and describe developmental and teaching/learning theory/theories used and why they are appropriate to the learners you targeted.
- Describe in behavioral terms your specific planning process for your project and overall teaching goal for your participants.
- Evaluate your teaching experience. Reflect on the following questions. What went well? What did not? What would you change if you were teaching this topic to a similar group at a later date and why?