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Early Mobility of ICU Patients EBP Project Information Dissemination

Early Mobility of ICU Patients EBP Project Information Dissemination

Give a positive comment on the following Early Mobility of ICU Patients EBP Project Information Dissemination.
Dissemination of EBP is an important part of practice change. Writing a journal article or presenting at a conference allows information to reach a number of nurses outside one’s clinical practice site. For my EBP project of early mobility of ICU patients, a journal that would be appropriate to help disseminate information is the American Journal of Critical Care (AJCC). This is a bimonthly journal from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) that focuses on evidence-based practice and offers the latest advancements in clinical research (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, n.d.). This journal goes out to every AACN member, of which there are currently over 100,000. I receive this journal, and while I don’t read every article, I do skim through and read the ones that are of interest to me and pertain to my job. Early Mobility of ICU Patients EBP Project Information Dissemination
A nursing conference that would be an appropriate option for dissemination of my EBP project is the annual National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition (NTI) put on by AACN. NTI offers education including new evidence based knowledge that makes an impact at the bedside (American Association of Critical Care Nurses[AACN]). Presenting information at NTI would allow me to share my research and experiences with other critical care nurses from around the country. This year the conference is in Boston and they expect over 7,000 nurses to attend (AACN, n.d.). I have not attended NTI, but I hear it is full of useful education and activities that improve patient care. Early Mobility of ICU Patients EBP Project Information Dissemination
American Association of Critical Care Nurses[AACN].(n.d.). Retrieved from American Association of Critical Care Nurses:
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. (n.d.). AACN journals. Retrieved from American Association of Criticial-Care Nurses: Early Mobility of ICU Patients EBP Project Information Dissemination


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