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Engineering; the importance of the subjects covered in this course

Engineering; the importance of the subjects covered in this course.


You are to write a 3 to 5 (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. Font) page paper which examines how the topics discussed in this course impact you and your career in engineering technology.

Discuss the importance of the subjects covered in this course to engineering technology graduates. Discuss diversity, globalization, environmental issues, ethics, team work, safety, data collection, data presentation, engineers helping others, and more.

Address how these subjects may help you be a better technician, engineer, or more generally, a productive member of society.

Arrive at some personal conclusions regarding the importance of these subjects to your career.

And finally, provide some personal reflection of your growth in understanding and valuing these subjects with respect to life-long learning as a result of taking this course.

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Engineering; the importance of the subjects covered in this course


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