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Evidence Based Research in Nursing Essay

Evidence Based Research in Nursing Essay
Write an 8-12 page paper that will include at least 4-6 evidence/research-based references (no Wikipedia!), an abstract, a graph or chart (data) if applicable to your topic (should not take up more than ¼ of a page).
Your research paper may include (if applicable to your topic) the following information:
Historical Perspective/Background information on your topic
Population affected
Environmental issues
Epidemiological Research
Data Use
Morbidity & Mortality Patterns
Public Health issues & interventions
Medical Response
Prehospital (if applicable)
Government response
Local vs. State vs. Federal
Economic Factors/Issues
Media Coverage/Communication Issues
Logistical Issues
What worked – what didn’t – why
Lessons Learned
The research paper should include an introduction of the topic, a body in which the topic is developed and references cited, and a well-defined conclusion.
The Final Evidence Based Research in Nursing Essay Paper must have a minimum of 10 pages for a Undergraduate level course (excluding the title, abstract, and reference pages). The paper must be typed, double-spaced with 1-inch margins in 12-point Times New Roman font with all references cited.  As always, Wikipedia, Wikianswers, and are NOT academic/scholarly sources. Papers will be graded based on the following areas: Foundation and synthesis of knowledge, application of knowledge critical thinking, writing skills, use of computer technology and application, and organization of ideas and format


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