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Explain why it is important to address your selected public health issue in your community.

Survey research is a common method to collect data in a research project. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, select a public health issue or topic you feel needs to be addressed in your community. Based on your research, respond to the following regarding the public health issue you selected:
  • Explain why it is important to address your selected public health issue in your community.
  • Define the purpose statement for the public health issue or topic you feel needs to be addressed in your community.
  • Develop at least two research questions you would like to answer as a result of your research.
  • Design a survey that could be used to measure:
    • The dependent variable (also known as a response variable)
    • The independent variable (typically the variable that is manipulated by the researcher)
  • Explain or predict the dependent variable you will seek to measure based on your research questions.
  • Explain how each question relates to the variables defined.
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Assignment 1: Discussion Assignment



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