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Give bio social, cognitive and psychosocial developmental information

Assignment 2: Course Project Task IV

You will be writing up your interview from Module 3. This paper is to be 2-3 pages in length and be submitted to the drop box by Sunday Aug 12th . This paper is worth 80 points so be sure to cover all of the rubric points. You can go over the page limit if needed. Describe the age groupGive bio social, cognitive and psychosocial developmental information Discuss 2-3 topics supported by theory from the book or research articles you findTell me what you learned and trends you discoveredJustify your decision to work with the age group
Assignment 2: Course Project Task IVPaper SubmissionWrite a scholarly paper on the informal interview you conducted in Module 3.
The first draft of the scholarly paper will include the following:
A thorough description of the age group you have chosen:
This section will include biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial developmental information and two to three unique topics supported by formal theory in the course textbook as well as two other professional sources such as peer-reviewed journals or books.All the information gathered from conducting your interview: This section of your paper is to follow the interview questionnaire format provided in
Module 3.Your self-reflection on this new knowledge: Does it change how you see this age group?
How did you feel about the disturbing or discouraging trends? How did you feel about the positive and motivating trends?
Would any of this information change your decision to work with this age group?Also express and justify how you view sport and exercise as related to this issue.Your scholarly paper is to be in formal APA format with a title page, an abstract, two to three pages of text (include proper headings), and a reference page. Present the paper in Microsoft Word document format and name the file M6_A2_LastName_CP_IV.doc. Submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.You will receive feedback from your facilitator through the end of the module.All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsDescribed thoroughly the age group you have chosen.
8Included biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial developmental information.
12Provided two to three unique topics supported by formal theory in the course textbook as well as two other professional sources, such as peer-reviewed journals or book
8Provided the information gathered from conducting your interview in the question-answer format.8Explained your self-reflection on this new knowledge.8Analyzed whether your view of this age group has changed.
8Analyzed and described the trends.
16Analyzed your decision to work with this age group.
8Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


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