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How you create (or anticipate creating) an engaging or enriching learning environment, and specific activities or exercises to engage your students

revised teaching philosophy with a brief discussion of how your philosophy has changed or developed during this course. There is no right or wrong way to write a personal teaching philosophy. However, for the purpose of this assignment, please follow the assignment guidelines below to connect your beliefs, goals, and strategies into a coherent approach to help students learn and grow. Assignment Guidelines Philosophy Paper Requirements

  • The paper should be 2–4 pages, typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins.
  • Use a first person narrative and present tense.
  • Write sincerely, uniquely, and memorably. Avoid clichés, jargon, and technical terms.
  • Include specific (not abstract) ideas, using 1–2 concrete examples, whether actual or anticipated experiences.
  • Show humility and mention students enthusiastically.
  • Include your conception of how learning occurs.
  • Communicate your goals as an instructor.
  • Include actual or anticipated teaching strategies and methods.
  • Include justification for why you teach (or anticipate teaching) the way you do.
  • Include a brief discussion of how your teaching (or anticipated teaching) facilitates student learning.
  • Include a conclusion.
To assist you in developing your teaching philosophy, you may choose to include any or all of the following:
  • Famous quotes
  • Your personal experiences as a learner
  • Your views of the educational system
  • Your interest in new types of teaching and learning
  • What you think students should expect from you as a teacher
  • How you know your goals for students are being met
  • How you create (or anticipate creating) an engaging or enriching learning environment, and specific activities or exercises to engage your students


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