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Human Resource Management homework help

Kurtz, R. S. (2013). Oil spill causation and the Deepwater Horizon spill. Review of Policy Research, 30(4), 366-380.
Conduct a thorough, critical analysis of the article and its points. Support your analysis with critical thinking that clearly demonstrates an informed and substantiated opinion. Your critique should address, at a minimum, the following points.

  • Briefly summarize the article’s position on the causation of the spill.
  • What role did policy and legalities play in the disaster?
  • Does OPA 90 effectively ensure the industry’s adherence to best safety practices?
  • How can the human factor be mitigated in disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon spill?

Your article critique must be a minimum of three pages, not including the title or reference pages. In addition to the article above, you must use a minimum of two additional sources as evidence to support your analysis. All sources used should be cited; your article critique and all references should be formatted in APA style.


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