takeholders in a health services problem include:
- Consumers (patients and their families)
- Clinicians (individuals in a variety of disciplines, practice groups, and hospitals)
- Payers (insurers)
- Businesses (e.g., pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturers)
- Policymakers (e.g., medical organizations and government)
- Advocacy and education groups (e.g., patient advocacy groups, societies devoted to a specific health issue, such as the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society or the March of Dimes).
- Others
For this assignment:
- Review the following example of stakeholder involvement in addressing an environmental concern—the Amchitka Island site:
- Using the South University Online Library, review the following two abstracts:
- Burger, J., Gochfeld, M., & Pletnikoff, K. (2009). Collaboration versus communication: The Department of Energy’s Amchitka Island and the Aleut Community. Environmental Research, 109(4), 503–510.
- Burger, J., & Gochfeld, M. (2009). Changes in Aleut concerns following the stakeholder-driven Amchitka independent science assessment. Risk Analysis, 29(8), 1156–1169.
- Write a 3- to 5-page landscape paper in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:
- State the 2- to 3-sentence problem statement that you submitted in Week 2.
- Identify and describe key stakeholders and the factors that must be considered when analyzing your project’s environmental problem. Include the public, business, government, and scientific stakeholders and, if applicable, stakeholder groups of workers and other nations (landscape). Determine if other stakeholder groups should be included and describe them.
- Justify briefly why each of your listed groups may be considered stakeholders. The tone of this section should be neutral, even if you disagree with a stakeholder group’s position.
- Summarize the political landscape of your environmental problem, including public stances of key stakeholder groups, conflicts between stakeholder groups, and past attempts to resolve the environmental problem.
- Provide and justify your conclusions about how stakeholder groups and political issues should guide the development of solutions to your problem.
Submissions Details:
- Name your document SU_PHE5010_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
- Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.