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. Jonathan has been diagnosed with strep throat and needs a prescription for an antibiotic. He says the last time he had penicillin he developed a red, blotchy rash. The appropriate antibiotic to prescribe would be:

. Jonathan has been diagnosed with strep throat and needs a prescription for an antibiotic. He says the last time he had penicillin he developed a red, blotchy rash. The appropriate antibiotic to prescribe would be: Penicillin VK, since his rash does not sound like a serious rash Amoxicillin Cefadroxil (Duricef) Erythromycin Question 2. Tetracyclines are contraindicated in children younger than 8 years because of: Risk of developing cartilage problems Development of significant diarrhea Risk of kernicterus Adverse effects on bone growth Question 3. Lisa is a healthy non-pregnant adult woman who recently had a UTI. She is asking about drinking cranberry juice to prevent a recurrence of the UTI. The answer to give her would be: “Sixteen ounces per day of cranberry juice cocktail will prevent UTIs.” “100% cranberry juice or cranberry juice extract may decrease UTIs in some patients.” “There is no evidence that cranberry juice helps prevent UTIs.” “Cranberry juice only works to prevent UTIs in children.” Question 4. Rose is a 3 year old with an upper respiratory infection (URI). Treatment for her URI would include: Amoxicillin Diphenhydramine Pseudoephedrine Nasal saline spray Question 5. Patient education for a patient who is prescribed antibiotics for sinusitis includes: Use of nasal saline washes Use of inhaled corticosteroids Avoiding the use of ibuprofen while ill Use of laxatives to treat constipation Question 6. Patients who should be cautious about using decongestants for an upper respiratory infection include: School-age children Patients with asthma Patients with cardiac disease Patients with allergies Question 7. Janet was recently treated with clindamycin for an infection. She calls the advice nurse because she is having frequent diarrhea that she thinks may have blood in it. What would be the appropriate care for her? Encourage increased fluids and fiber Assess for pseudomembranous colitis Advise her to eat yogurt daily to help restore her gut bacteria Start her on an antidiarrheal medication Question 8. To prevent further development of antibacterial resistance it is recommended fluoroquinolones be reserved for treatment of: Urinary tract infections in young women Upper respiratory infections in adults Skin and soft tissue infections in adults Community-acquired pneumonia in patients with comorbidities Question 9. Nicole is a 4-year-old female with a febrile urinary tract infection. She is generally healthy and has no drug allergies. Appropriate initial therapy for her UTI would be: Azithromycin Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Ceftriaxone Ciprofloxacin Question 10. Sally is a 16-year-old female with a urinary tract infection. She is healthy, afebrile, with no use of antibiotics in the previous 6 months and no drug allergies. An appropriate first-line antibiotic choice for her would be: Azithromycin Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Ceftriaxone Levofloxacin]]>


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