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Management homework help

For this assignment, you are to assume that you are a PR consultant attempting to persuade the American Public that everyone should vote by mail in the fall for the presidential election. You do not have to agree with a position to make arguments in favor of it.
1) Introduce the topic and select three specific audiences including a mix of negative and positive audiences.
2) Research the three diverse specific target audiences–publics. Be sure to document this information using the correct APA format.
3) List specific methods for getting additional research on these audiences.
4) Write two arguments to persuade each group to your point of view. In other words for three audiences, you should have six excellent arguments.
5) Discuss the overall relationship among the audiences and explain how this would impact a persuasive approach to achieving your goal.
The research for this paper should come from EBSCO
Write the questions out and then respond to them one at a time. This paper should be a minimum of 7 pages. See the writing guidelines for the correct way to use the APA format. Label your file correctly: SmithJaneCom4445ex1
Critical Thinking Rubric
Excellent (3)
Acceptable (2)`
Unacceptable (1)
Explanation of issues
The student clearly introduces and explains the issue selecting at least three audiences which are affected by the topic. The topic must include one audiences which has a negative perspective on the issue.­­­
The student introduces the topic, but fails to include three specific audiences which will be affected.
The topic is not clearly introduced. Only vague information is given and the audiences are not clearly identified.
Selecting and using information to investigate a point of view or conclusion
The student includes specific research on each of the audiences. Several sources should be included for each of them.
The student includes general information on each of the audiences from research. The APA format is not used perfectly.
Little information is giving on the audiences and the APA format includes numerous problems.
Influence of context and assumptions
Lists numerous ways to research these audiences. The paper documents the text using the correct APA format.
Lists several ways to research these audiences. The material is documented basically correctly with only minor mistakes.
Has little knowledge of the text material on research. No documentation is present.
Student’s position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis)
Student writes two distinct arguments which would persuade each of the three audiences.
The students write four distinct good arguments which address the audiences.
The student has fewer than two good arguments addressing all three of the audiences.
Conclusions and related outcomes (implications and consequences)
The students discuss the relationship among the audiences and how these relationships will have to affect the overall approach.
The students discusses the overall approach to persuading these groups, but gives little attention to the relationships among the groups.
The paper includes little planning for an overall approach.


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