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Nursing homework help

 100 words – Explain the purpose of an advance directive.
200 words – As community health nurse what are 5 topics you would discuss with a senior, end of life, client who needs to develop advanced directives?
200 words Explain why the 5 topics previously discussed  regarding advanced directives are important to the client at end of life stage.
100 words as a nurse what therapeutic would you choose to communicate with your client about these difficult topics (Advance directive Living will; Durable power of attorney)?
200 words What are ethical issues surrounding the use of advance directive?
200 words Provide client education regarding Advance directive Living will; Durable power of attorney for health care.
Cite and reference all sources using APA 7th edition format, also include subheading for each sections. minimum expectation = 5. Sources and must be 5 years old or less. Including the textbook that is attached.
  • attachment



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