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Philosophers have argued that our most important value should be happiness,

Philosophers have argued that our most important value should be happiness,.

  1. Some moral and political philosophers have argued that our most important value should be happiness, while others have argued that it should be freedom. Explain this debate. Make sure to describe the views and reasoning of at least one philosopher on either side and to illustrate the disagreement by giving at least one example of a decision or public policy over which the two sides would disagree.

2. One theme of recent philosophy has been to reclassify certain negative social forces as “structural” problems rather than as negative personal character traits. Sexism is a case in point. What is it to say that sexism is a structural problem? Why does Frye’s theory of sexism count as a structural problem? What are some other social problems that we might similarly want to think of as structural problems in the same way?

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Philosophers have argued that our most important value should be happiness,


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