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Philosophy homework help

This assignment asks you to practice the skill of synthesis (making connections between things) through application. It builds on the skill of explanation you have practiced in assignment #1. Here you need to bring together 1. concepts or theories (as explained in assignment #1), and 2. empirical evidence in the form of data, statistics, facts, and/or reporting about some particular case, and connect them by using the concept or theory to gain insight into the case. Assignment Guidelines: Use one of the theories or concepts studied in the first part of the course to analyze a specific issue of food or agricultural injustice. To complete the assignment, you will need to do the following: 1. select an issue or problem of food or agricultural injustice (likely one we’ve discussed, but it doesn’t have to be), identify one particular instance of it (an actual, specific case of this injustice), and explain it; 2. select a concept or theory (that we’ve studied; see crowdsourced list attached here) that you think can help provide insight into the case, explain it fully, and then; 3. apply the concept or theory to the case. Recommended length is approximately 500-700 words. Complete citations in any standard format should be included for sources apart from the course material. Submission: Submit your assignment in the appropriate assignment box on the Google class site. Proficient work will apply a relevant theory or concept to a particular case of food or agricultural injustice, with accurate reference to the text or other material, and in clear, concise writing. The standards for proficient application are the following: (1) chooses an appropriate theory or concept for the case, and explains it accurately and fully; (2) chooses a relevant case of food or agricultural injustice that is specific enough; (3) explains the case with sufficient and pertinent detail, and with reference to reliable sources; (4) applies the theory or concept to the case in order to i. gain understanding or insight or reveal some facet of the issue/problem, ii. engage in critique, iii. highlight what is at stake in the issue/problem, and/or iv. undertake an ethical analysis (assess what is right/wrong, just/unjust, good/bad in the case);(5) applies the theory or concept in a sufficiently detailed, substantive way.
List of Concepts and Theories you can use
Distributive justice
Participatory justice
Human Rights


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