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Reading homework help

 Please answer all of the following questions in complete sentences using material from the lecture recordings, slides, readings and in-class discussions. DO NOT consult outside sources. Upload your answers (in Microsoft Word or PDF format
1. Choose three pillars of Islam and briefly explain how each of them is intended to strengthen a Muslim’s connection to God and/or to the Muslim umma. (12 points)
2. What are three core teachings that Prophet Muhammad taught his followers? (6 points)
3. Briefly explain three differences in the conditions that the Muslim community faced in the Meccan period vs. in the Medinan period. (6 points)
4. Compare and contrast Meccan and Medinan surahs in the Qur’an. What are three similarities and three differences in terms content, style and/or structure? (12 points)
5. Re-read the “Theological and Ethical Verses” of the Qur’an (found under Week 3 of D2L). Choose three themes/messages that you think are conveyed in these verses. Be sure to quote one verse to support each of your themes/messages. (12 points)
6. Re-read the hadiths found on pp. 7-10 of the reading, “Major Topics in the Hadith” (found under Week 4 of D2L). Choose three of the hadiths to analyze. What is/are the ethical lesson(s) that each hadith seeks to convey? (12 points)
7. What are three attributes of Jesus according to the Qur’an and hadith? (6 points)

  1. Recall      the documentary on the hajj (found in the Week 5 lecture in D2L). Choose      one stage of the hajj ritual and explain how it connects Muslims to both      Muhammad and Abraham. (6 points)
  2. What      is the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims? What did Caliph Umar do upon      his arrival in Jerusalem that set a precedent for religious freedom under      Muslim rule? (6 points)
  3. How      did the House of Wisdom help facilitate the exchange of ideas between      Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others? What kinds of knowledge was shared?      (6 points)

11. Imagine talking a friend who doesn’t know anything about Islam and has never met a Muslim. Based on what we have covered so far in this course, what do you think are the five most important elements of Islam, Muslim belief and/or Muslim practice that you think your friend should know about? Be sure to explain why you chose each of these five unique elements. (16 points)
note: the information above are not clear, i will attach the original one in a dox file.

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