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Research priorities on nursing leadership

Research priorities on nursing leadership
This week’s Discussion asks you to choose a research priority from the list that is shared in your Resources for the week.  You are asked to find 2-3 articles that address the selected priority, and based on what you find in those articles and in your searches more generally, reflect on the state of research in the priority area you have chosen.
To do this, you will need to:

  • identify Nursing databases useful for this research
  • identify search terms that will produce useful search results in the Nursing databases
  • conduct a search that turns up useful results on a chosen research topic from the Resource listed
  • assess the current state of research on your selected priority, based on the existence (or non-existence) of results

The Walden University Library can help!  On this page you will find information on a Library Lab that offers live instruction on how to research this discussion post.  See the box below for details on dates and times that the Lab is offered live, as well as links to watch recordings of previous sessions.
You will also find guidance on how to choose useful databases, identify good search terms, and conduct an effective search.  Then, you can draw your conclusions about the state of research for the priority you have chosen, and respond to the discussion post.


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