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Security Threat Groups (STGs

Security Threat Groups (STGs.

just as gangs pose a threat to law enforcement agencies in free society, Security Threat Groups (STGs) pose a threat to the security of an incarceration facility for correctional agencies. The same individuals that are members of gangs in free society comprise the membership of a STG in prison.

In your initial response, define what constitutes a STG in an incarceration facility. Next, discuss the reasons why inmates that were not part of a gang in free society may decide to join a STG while incarcerated. Finally, identify at least one strategy that correctional administrators might implement to control and monitor STGs within a correctional facility.

In your response posts to classmates, evaluate the strategy for controlling and monitoring STGs within a correctional facility. If you agree with the classmate that the strategy would be effective, provide additional supporting points demonstrating why the strategy would work. If you disagree, respectfully the issues you see with the strategy and why it would not prove effective in controlling and monitoring STGs within a correctional facility.

Initial posts must be a minimum of 500 words not counting the repeating of the question or reference list, and incorporate material from at least two (2) cited sources.

Security Threat Groups (STGs


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