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Summarize what you learned in researching these organizations: What were the most interesting things you learned in this application? How are the organizations you selected similar or different?

  • Where are the organizations’ headquarters located?
  • What is the mission or purpose of these organizations?
  • What populations do they serve? And what do they do?
  • How are the organizations funded? Are they part of a larger public health infrastructure?
  • Do these organizations mention collaboration with any other agencies or organizations?
  • Are there any major public health issues these organizations are currently focusing on?
  • What might be some ethical issues that are related to the mission of these organizations? (If the organizations have a code of conduct or ethics statement, provide a brief summary in your description.)
  • Summarize what you learned in researching these organizations: What were the most interesting things you learned in this application? How are the organizations you selected similar or different?
  • Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources, as required. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style Resources: (U. S. Government) (GNO)]]>


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