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Sydney Australia’s bid for Amazon HQ outside of America

Sydney Australia’s bid for Amazon HQ outside of America.


Global Real Estate Research Paper

As Senior Advisors for a major, international corporate consulting firm, you have been selected for the task of identifying a location to serve as the new global headquarters for Each of you has had significant work experience and are considered to be the top specialists in this field with regard to your particular overseas country. You will make the case for a major financial city in your select country by performing the necessary research to arrive at a conclusion to locate outside of the United States, enabling to continue to innovate and prosper internationally. Each Advisor and their respective country of specialty will be competing for the top spot. After all contenders’ research papers are submitted, an objective vote by the class (a.k.a.’s board of directors) will take place and the winner will be chosen.

This new, global headquarters will house management, financial, marketing, technology, data, as well as, research & development (R&D) personnel. No manufacturing, warehousing or distribution will take place at this facility and no residential living accommodations will be present on site.

Taking into consideration the following variables to assist in justifying your conclusion, your report will address the following, but not limited to:

-Historical information
-Government and its political structure
-Demographic and economic data
-Languages spoken including dialects
-Education including major universities
-Taxes/Tariffs/Repatriation of Capital
-International trade policies
-Currencies used and those accepted or recognized
-Units of measure
-Real property rights and interests
-Legal and Regulatory policies
-Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the potential for growth
-Infrastructure and economic development
-Modes of financing
-Real Estate market data
-Immigration policy and the treatment of expatriates (a.k.a. ex-pats)

Structure of Research Paper and the allocation of points for your paper’s grade

  1. Letter of Transmittal to the Board of Directors 10%
  2. Table of Contents with corresponding page numbers 5%
  3. Content of text 30%
  4. Related attachments – Include maps, photographs, market reports, and other pertinent data, as well as material to support your position 15%
  5. Conclusion and Recommendation 30%
  6. Presentation and Participation 10%

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Sydney Australia’s bid for Amazon HQ outside of America


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