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The impact of bullying behaviors on children both as bullies and victims

Find and Summarize 2 sources separately answering questions below in the summery
Paper topic-   The impact of bullying behaviors on children both as bullies and victims

  • Choose 2 articles on your paper topic (from the list you submitted or new ones that you found since then)
  • The articles must be research studies where data was collected. (Theory pieces are fine for your paper, but not for this assignment.)
    • This assignment is worth 30 pointsSummarize the design of each of the articles by answering the following questions using the terminology from your reading
      • Was the study correlational, experimental, or some combination of both?
      • How do you know?
      • Was it done in the laboratory or the field?
      • What conclusions can be drawn from the study?
      • What conclusions cannot be drawn from the study?
      • What are some strengths and limitations of the research design?
      • Name two areas for future research based on the article (either those listed in the paper or your own ideas)
    •  I needed to see a discussion of whether the study was correlation or experimental based on the design of the study – was an independent variable manipulated?


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