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The Journal Entries provide a way for students to make personal  connections to the material and to apply the concepts they have learned.   Journal entries should be written in a well-developed paragraph rather  than just a phrase.  

Death with Dignity Discussion 1.      Discussion What  did you learn from this video?  What are your thoughts?  Support your  answer through the use of peer reviewed scholarly sources from MedLine,  Ebsco, Proquest, and/or Google Scholar.  You must provide at least three  additional sources to the video. Please write a 300 to 500 word essay adhering to APA 6th Edition formatting guidelines Watch this you tube video: Death with Dignity Lecture and Attestation Statement, link is below 2. Journal entry #1 when you watch the youtube video summarize what you learned from it. The Journal Entries provide a way for students to make personal  connections to the material and to apply the concepts they have learned.   Journal entries should be written in a well-developed paragraph rather  than just a phrase.   This is the rubric that I will be using to grade all journal entries (assignments) throughout the semester: APA Journal Entries (Assignments) Rubric Score _____/50 ____ (5) In-text citations include necessary info in parentheses after borrowed material ____ (5) References per APA ____ (5) Grammar and spelling ____ (35) Application of three or more concepts from the learned material

Death With Dignity Lecture and Attestation Statement



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