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Transformative Learning Essay

Transformative Learning Essay.

In this 750-word essay, you will evaluate a real-world scenario from your own experience. Integrate at least two sources from the Waldorf Online Library, along with the Required Reading, to support your rationale.

Identify a bias or stereotype that you have observed either within yourself or within a colleague at your current or past organization. What are the cues that brought this bias or stereotype to your attention, or how is this stereotype reflected in the person’s behaviors? How does this bias or stereotype impact the team or organization? Analyze this situation using Model I of the Socio-Cognitive Systems Learning Model, provided in the unit lesson.

Applying the strategies from this unit, develop a strategy for transformative learning (for overcoming that bias or stereotype). Specifically, how might you gather input for overcoming the bias or stereotype? What are the values, behaviors, and outcomes you hope to achieve through the transformative learning process? Analyze this process using Model II of the Socio-Cognitive Systems Learning Model, provided in the unit lesson.

Use APA formatting and cite all sources. Be sure to abide by Waldorf’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Transformative Learning Essay


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