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Trends in Management Care

Trends in Management Care.


Throughout the course, you have been learning about managed care, both past and present. Conduct additional research on trends happening in managed care today. The following websites are a great place to start:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Kaiser Family Foundation (Search for the series on health care marketplace trends.)
You can also visit the following videos related to managed care trends:

Managed Care contracting and Payer Scorecards

Monitoring Performance: A Dashboard of Medi-Cal Managed Care

After conducting your research, construct a 3-page report of your findings. At a minimum, your report should

Identify at least two trends that you feel have a great impact on managed health care today.
Discuss the effect these trends have on managed care.
Explain how these trends will continue to influence managed care in the future.
Evaluate the potential impact on government and state-sponsored, Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Analyze and provide at least two reasons why implementing Medicaid managed care is so complex.
Submit your completed assignment to the dropbox below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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Trends in Management Care


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