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What clinical manifestations are  present in Ms. G and what recommendations would you make for continued  treatment? Provide rationale for your recommendations.

Case Scenario: Ms. G.,  a 23-year-old diabetic, is admitted to the hospital with a cellulitis  of her left lower leg. She has been applying heating pads to the leg for  the last 48 hours, but the leg has become more painful and she has  developed chilling.

Subjective Data
  • Complains of pain and heaviness in her leg.
  • States she cannot bear weight on her leg and has been in bed for 3 days.
  • Lives alone and has not had anyone to help her with meals.
Objective Data
  • Round, yellow-red, 2 cm diameter, 1 cm deep, open wound above medial malleolus with moderate amount of thick yellow drainage
  • Left leg red from knee to ankle
  • Calf measurement on left 3 in > than right
  • Temperature: 38.9 degrees C
  • Height: 160 cm; Weight: 83.7 kg
Laboratory Results
  • WBC 18.3 x 10¹² / L; 80% neutrophils, 12% bands
  • Wound culture: Staphylococcus aureus
Critical Thinking Questions
  1. What clinical manifestations are  present in Ms. G and what recommendations would you make for continued  treatment? Provide rationale for your recommendations.
  2. Identify the muscle groups likely to be affected by Ms. G’s condition by referring to “ARC: Anatomy Resource Center.”
  3. What is the significance of the  subjective and objective data provided with regard to follow-up  diagnostic/laboratory testing, education, and future preventative care?  Provide rationale for your answer.
  4. What factors are present in this  situation that could delay wound healing, and what precautions are  required to prevent delayed wound healing? Explain.


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