Communicable Disease and infectious disease.
Sexually Transmitted Disease and HIV/AIDS.
Read chapter20 and 21 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point Presentations. Also view the attached YouTube video about PrEP/Truvada to prevent HIV. Once completed answer the following questions;
- Discuss the school vaccination requirements in your state. Which vaccines are available that are not required? Why are they not required? How does your state differ from other states? Have there been any recent changes in vaccination requirements? How do students feel about the possibility of including the HPV vaccine as a requirement for school? What are the pros and cons?
- What has led to the increase in MRSA transmission in the community? What are some of the challenges in addressing this problem in the community? How is it often identified and how can it be passed in communities?
- Discuss why there is no “typical” STI patient. Why does the presence of an STI greatly increase the risk of HIV transmission?
- Based on what you saw in the YouTube presentation, do you think that PrEP/Truvada it is effective in preventing HIV/AIDS.