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What responsibilities should parents have  if they know their children are obese?

Read the article above, “Young Kids, Old Bodies” and answer the questions below.  Each essay should be approximate total of 250 words.  A minimum word response (65 words) on each  question is usually correlated with no better grade than a “C.”  Use  standard written English in your response to each question.  There will  be a Grammar/Syntax Evaluation as stated in the fourth section.

1.  Apply critical thinking skills through inquiry by reading with a  purpose to identify three physiological results that correlate with the  premature aging process associated with obese children’s bodies.

2.  Use communication skills to reflect the successful  identification of three programs and one distinct strategy used by each  program to address obesity in children.  In your opinion, based on your  lifespan knowledge taken from this class, which program appears to be  the most comprehensive as evidenced by its taking the biological,  social, psychological, and cognitive influences into consideration in  its strategy and why is it the most comprehensive.

3.  Apply critical thinking and communication skills to draw three  conclusions from the visual data presented in the article and use the  conclusions drawn to make inferences about future projections based on  the data.

4. According to the article, obesity has reached epidemic  proportions among children.  What responsibilities should parents have  if they know their children are obese? What measures should parents take  to protect their children from becoming obese? Does the government have  an obligation to protect children from foods, chemicals, or ingredients  that are known to be correlated with obesity?  Support your position  coherently and reasonably. (Civic Engagement/Analysis of Knowledge)

5.  Grammar/Syntax Evaluation of Student Writing.  Grammar will be  evaluated based on the following areas:  Subject/Verb agreement;  appropriate verb tense; fragments (subject or verb missing from  sentence); run on sentence (Two sentences joined together incorrectly  without a comma and/or a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS); comma  splice (two sentences joined together incorrectly with only a comma).   Syntax is defined as the creation of words and phrases to create  well-formed sentences in a language.

Place the answers to the individual questions in the dialog box below.


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