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would you want to eliminate all aggressive behavior in your child?

 PSYC 515……Week 5 Forum – Aggression

You are the parent of a young child whom you would like to see become a peaceful, affectionate, and cooperative adult.
To achieve this goal, to what extent would you consider taking the following steps?
a) preventing your child from watching violent television shows;
b) preventing your child from playing with “violent” toys such as guns, swords, etc.;
c) preventing your child from playing with “aggressive” children;
d) preventing your child from fighting back if another child kept bullying him or her.
Rank the above options in the order in which you would take action—“a” being the most to “d” being the least likely to be put into action by you as a parent.
Finally, would you want to eliminate all aggressive behavior in your child? Why or why not? Discuss your decisions and the reasoning behind them with your classmates.


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